
Compline (Night Prayer) focuses on individual thoughts of night, sleep, and death. It is the ideal trusting prayer for a “peaceful night and a perfect end,” for ourselves and for all others, and is a fitting completion of the day’s work and perhaps our life’s work.

It is often marked by chant, candlelight, and incense recalling ancient elements of worship offered to this day - and through the night. In a busy time it is a space to find rest. In an anxious time it is a place to find peace. In a fragmented time it is a chance to reconnect with God, with ourselves, and with a deep sense of calm hope.

Grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end

“Come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest… For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

—Matthew 11:28-30


For anyone who is unable to join us in person, a livestream of each of our Compline services will be available here on our website.